Saturday, February 28, 2009

Blogging and SEO

Are you blogging? Do you own a business? Did you know that blogging can help your site become more active with viewers?


Blogging can help you increase the activity of your website by selecting specific keywords and linking them to your site. This is what I do with every one of my posts. I am always creating "tags" and live links to my I want to make sure that the keywords I'm focused on are in line with getting a first page ranking.

In the beginning my was listed on the first page for the keyword search term, "Redding SEO". The other two keywords I have been working on are, "Redding search engine optimization" and "Redding search engine services".

If you type in redding seo, redding seo blog, and redding search engine optimization into Google's search box you should find all three of those terms on page 2 for the most part. The first two keywords are on the first page almost all the time, the third is on page 2 most of the time.

My second site, the Pond Ideas website has many first page keyword listings. It receives daily clicks from Adsense. My third site about reverse mortgages has the first page listing for the main keyword I've targeted.

With proper SEO you can gain traffic to your sites. I'll be listing a new site soon...

Until next time,
Chrisi D

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