Friday, December 19, 2008

Getting Listed in Google Fast

I've just written a two page article on how to get listed in Google fast. There are just two very simple steps to getting listed quickly. I'm not talking about getting listed in Google in a few hours, I'm talking about a week.

Most people have to wait months. You can do it in a few days or a minimum of a week by following the two suggestions I have written in the article on my

Getting listed quickly really should not be the goal. Getting listed within a week or so is a good goal, but it is just as important to make sure your site is properly optimized before Google's little robot comes to spider your site.

Visit to learn more. :)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Redding Search Engine Optimization Dec 18

Today is December 18 and Redding SEO is now at position number 15. When Google first grabbed my site's URL it was Number 13, then dropped down a few days later to number 17, and now it's up two notches from there.

So, you can see there's some fluctuation in the beginning, and actually there are always adjustments for search engine placement. What is important to note is that it does take time, but the time is well spent in regards to getting a top 10 placement in Google.

At this point I'm just keeping track and logging my results here. Then a few months from now when I'm listed on page one within the first 3 results you'll be able to see the progression for yourself.

My website is all about search engine optimization. It is exactly what Google, Yahoo and MSN want to see when considering relevance. It is only a matter of time before my site wins that wonderful first few results placement.

You may be wondering what I'm doing off my site in order to gain a better position. Well, due to my busy schedule, and the fact that I'm actually on vacation for a week, I'm not really doing anything right now more than just trying to keep a few news posts here for my readers. On my site I've added some new information as well. This will keep my RSS feed up to date.

Fresh, relevant content, this is what matters.

Until next time,
Chrisi Darrington

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What is Web 2.0 o

What is Web 2.0 o - Finding a Good Web Designer

Web 2.0 o is actually Web 2.0 and not Web 2.o using a zero instead of the letter O. Understanding what this means is the begining of understanding how to find a good web designer.

Finding a good web designer can be a real challenge. If you try searching for one by using any search engine your search will be endless. So, to narrow your search you might try seeking a web designer in your local area.

One of the main benefits of working with someone locally is that you can meet with them in person. This will allow you to get to know them on a more personal level. I have many clients who I've built websites for that live in my area. Sometimes we've discussed how to develop their website over lunch, my favorite way to work.

There are several things you should be looking for in a web designer today. What you look for in some cases may have to do with what you can afford. However, I must warn you, that old saying, "You get what you pay for" is to some extent true.

I say some extent because there are some people who know how to design web sites, but it's more like a hobby, not a business. Perhaps a friend of yours can do your site for free, or very low cost. This is great is you're building a web site for fun or maybe just a site to show off your own hobbies.

Depending on your friends skill, this can be a very bad idea if you're actually wanting to develop a business web site.

The other problem you can run into is feeling rather awkward if you are not happy with the design, but it's your best friend or your friends, friend, and you don't want to hurt their feelings.

If you want to go the distance and actually hire a web designer, you want to look for a designer who understands what Web 2.0 is. Many people, including some web designers, don't actually know what Web 2.0 is. Some think it's some sort of new web design, a new program, or it's a new requirement in the html, php, etc...

Web 2.0 is really all about interaction. Before blogs, the Internet was rather static. Your interaction with any web site was mostly through email. Forums have been around longer than Blogs, but forums are much more difficult to build and maintain than blogs. Blogs can be managed by anyone that can type and follow simple directions.

Web 2.0 offers a way for people to interact through blogs, video, pod casts, social bookmarking, and places like Myspace and Facebook etc.... Simply put, Web 2.0 is an Interactive Internet. There are a variety of ways you can use Web 2.0 to enhance your web site both on and off your site.

Your web designer should know how to help you build your business through a variety of Web 2.0 mediums. You don't need to use every medium, but understanding each of the available types of interactive mediums available and how to use them effectively will increase your the success of your business online.

When it comes to web design, it is a wise decision to know what you need and what you're paying for. What is web 2.0 o? It's Web 2.0 and it's many different types of Interactive Mediums using both on site and off.

Until next time,
Chrisi Darrington

Monday, December 15, 2008


Have you heard of PPC? Which is Pay Per Click. It's when you pay for listings in Google and Yahoo as well as other search engine directories.

Well, I have to tell you that it can be a great way to gain traffic to your website, but it can also cost you a bundle if, a. you don't know what you're doing, b. you pay someone to do it, but you don't understand how it works.

Either way, you musts learn the basics of PPC before you can expect to profit from it. So, I've written an article of sorts. It's really more like a very long comment. I was so upset by what this PPC campaign manager was doing to my friends, friend, that I just had to write it down.

You'll find the article listed in my articles directory under PPC Scams.

I hope you gain some understanding over what PPC is and what it is not so that you don't end up getting scammed like our poor buddy, Joe.

Until next time,
Chrisi Darrington