Friday, January 16, 2009

Lightning Fast Google Slurp

Okay, so, I just got around to checking to see if my new site gained any nibbles from Google and low and behold yep, Google has listed it. In fact the site link in Google has the following information: - 16 hours ago

That is VERY fast. The reason I can now get any site listed so fast is due to the following:

1. The sites are constructed using a clear model that Googles spider bots can slurp.
2. I create an xml map, submit and get it verified by Google.
3. I announce it in my blog here. This blog is very active and Google sends it's little spider bot over everyday, probably several times a day to check it out.

Those three things are the foundation of SEO, (search engine optimization)

If you are seeking to build your own SEO, take a peek at my main site:
Redding Search Engine Optimization. Email me any questions you might have. I don't have time to answer questions from people who are not seriously interested in my services so please only email if you are thinking of hiring someone to build your SEO.

Until next time,
Chrisi D.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Pond Ideas

Introducing a new site born yesterday... I haven't had time to introduce it yet, but today I'm taking a few minutes to get this intro done. I've not informed Google by way of the xml sitemap just yet. It took a while for me to get the site all done. Actually it only takes me about a day to get a site created and up and running.

Most of the time is spent adding the articles. This takes quite some time. So, for all you pond lovers out there, or perhaps those who may want to get started, I invite you to take a look at the new addition to our SEO research at

I'll be installing the xml map soon. Wait... I'm going to do that right now... ok, it's done and now I'm going to enter it into Google. Whew! Long day... but it's over and things are all set and ready to go.

Until next time,
Chrisi D

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Frustrated With My PC

One of the things you need to do when it comes to building your SEO is work on your PC. It's a great tool and it is a must for Internet work and research. What I'm experiencing now is the down side of computers.

Things take a very looooooong time to work and I spend a great deal of my research and work time on my PC just sitting and waiting for windows to open, close, and for my programs to work right.

I've placed several different spyware, adware and virus tools on my computer........ and STILL my PC was working like a newly thawed out snail. I mean COME ON !

Now I've learned that this slowness I'm experiencing has to do with trying to work with more than one TYPE of anti-this that and the other thing program.

So, the answer to slowness on your PC is not always something you can solve by using programs to remove the crap your computer has accumulated.

If you find your PC is slow, take it in for a tune up. Yep, take it to some place locally that can fine tune it to it's original working condition. My PC guy said that I need to have just ONE virus protection program. So, he's going to fix things for me and help me decide on what to use and how to keep my PC in good working order.

Now this may not have been all about search engine optimization, but if your computer is not working in optimum order, your time working online with your PC is going to be wasted.

Get a tune up today. And have a cup o joe or tea or whatever it takes to calm your nerves.

Till next time... hopefully when things are running better,
Chrisi D