Saturday, January 3, 2009

First Page in Google

Okay, it's been a week now and my new site is now number 10 on the first page of search results for the keyword search term, reverse mortgage pros cons. I've postponed playing any Adsense ads on it until it's settled closer to the top. I have written two articles and submitted them to an article directory. I've also got plans on adding new articles each week. This site should reach the top of the page within a month or so. Maybe sooner.

Regarding my actual business site, Redding SEO or Redding Search Engine Optimization, I've just entered it into Google Maps so it's available there. It should only take a day to see it in the search for Redding Search Engine Optimization Services.

Here's the Google search result stats for some keyword search terms:

Redding SEO - #1
Redding SEO Blog - #1
Redding SEO RSS - #1
Redding SEO services - #1
Redding search engine optimization - #13
Redding search engine optimization services - #13

My goal is to have the last two search terms number one as well. However, that will take a little time. It is hard to estimate the time because there are a great deal of factors involved, but I would expect to see it within the top 5 results within the next 2 - 4 months.

Till next time,
Chrisi D

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