Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Moving Up The SEO Ladder

Well, let's see. First, have to say that my site is jumping around like crazy. Number 12, then back to 14, now it's at 16. It's going to take a while before Google realizes it belongs on the first page, right there at the top. is number one right at the top for the Keyword search term, Redding SEO.

Okay, so... my site was at number 125 yesterday. Today is day 4 and it is now number 13. :D That was a very big leap from yesterdays stats. I'm really hoping to see it settle into the first page right at the top by Saturday.

Keeping you posted,
Chrisi Darrington

Listed in Less than 36 hrs

Okay, today is Dec. 30th, but I'm not actually going to post this until Dec 31st. I've already posted several times today and I don't want the search engines to consider it spamming so it's going to have to wait.

So, I now know where my new site is "listed" in Google's results. Waaaaaaaaay into the results on page 13 I think it is, you'll see it. It's about 125 right now. But, this is only the 2cd actual day so let's give Google a few days to sort things out.

I'll keep checking to see how things move along.

Talk to you soon,
Chrisi D.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Google Search My Site

Yep, I asked that Google Search My Site and Guess What It Did!

Okay, just checked Google to see if they know my new site is online and it's official. Google has added my new site, It's only "added" under the actual domain name, it is not currently "listed" in any of the results. Not only did Google search my site, but it added my site in under 3 days.

My SEO site took just about 6 days to get listed, but using a few extra techniques this time I was able to get this new site in Google's directory in less than 3 days this time. Not bad hm? Well, the key here is to see it within the first 30 results once Google decides where it belongs.

I'm anxious to see where Google decides to place my site in the search results. Hmmmmm?

Keeping you posted,
Chrisi Darrington

Redding SEO Moves Up

I just visited Google to see where my site, Redding search engine optimization or Redding SEO is in the search results and it's now at #12. So, let's see, I went live on that site Dec. 5th and I've written and submitted one article to an article directory. I've submitted the same article to a network of blogs as well. And I've been writing fresh content weekly.

The results are showing things are moving along very nicely. And, I am not working hard at it. This is very casual SEO for me. Mostly I'm not working that hard at it because I already have a list of clients waiting to work with me so I've got to do a lot of research and so forth. My main for Redding SEO online is to be listed on the first page at the top of the results. This will come soon enough. Most likely by the end of January I will be there. No rush. It will happen.

I'll give you a report on my other new site later.

Till then,
Chrisi Darrington

Monday, December 29, 2008

Getting Listed in Google Fast pt. 2

I just finished an article on getting listed in Google fast. If you want to know how to do this quickly, visit to see how it is consistantly done. It's not hard, but I will warn you... there is somehting more important than getting listed in Google fast...

Find out in the article...

Redding SEO Birth of a New Site

Okay, just got back from checking in on my new site submission. One of my articles will not be reviewed for about a week - ARG. The other article should be live in about 3 days or so.

If you go to Google and type in my new site, use the www. at the beginning, you will actually see this blog show up in the top of the listings. So, my blog is being visited by the GoogleBot often, if not daily, since I only just went live last night and posted the URL here.

My next site will be Which is the same as but I have plans on toying with several domains that represent my business in Redding. For now I have two other sites I need to get online so I guess I need to get to work.

Until Tomorrow,
Chrisi Darrington

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Submitting a Google Sitemap

Tonight I uploaded my new site, Including adding the URL and site map to Google. In addition to this I've written an article specifically for that site and submitted it to a few article directories. This is one of the faster ways of getting listed in Google.

Today is Dec. 27th, and I uploaded my site at about 5:00 pm. I'll be checking daily to see when it appears in Google. My site took 6 days. Although I neglected to check on the 5th day, but I'm happy with 6 days. However, I'm going to see if I can get this site in a little quicker using a few other techniques.

I'll keep you posted... You can also check yourself by doing a search for reverse mortgage pros cons in Google. That is if you catch this post before it's actually in Google. You have about 3 days to catch it unlisted. :P

See you soon,
Chrisi Darrington

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

New SEO Project

I've been on vacation for the past 6 days and while I was away we had a very rainy day so we stayed in the hotel. What to do... what to do... I built a new website in about 6 hours. It's ready to upload, but before I put it online I want to get a few articles written. I'd love to see this site get listed in less than 6 days.

So... This time I'll be putting in a little more effort than I did with my own site. I'll be writing a few more articles for my Redding Search Engine Optimization site as well. I'm not in a big hurry at this point. As with any business I have a ton of other work to do. In the past few weeks I've been doing some research for a client who's been using PPC (pay per click) to pull traffic to his site. After researching what his PPC manager was doing, I was able to see that he's been paying to have people buy his products.

Sadly, many business owners have too little time for research. In this case, it has cost thousands of dollars before discovering the true value of his PPC campaigns. The main problem was in selecting a PPC manager that has no interest in helping his client profit. The only profits here went into the PPC managers pocket.

As soon as my new site goes live I'll let you know. We'll track the results together.

Until next time,
Chrisi Darrington

Friday, December 19, 2008

Getting Listed in Google Fast

I've just written a two page article on how to get listed in Google fast. There are just two very simple steps to getting listed quickly. I'm not talking about getting listed in Google in a few hours, I'm talking about a week.

Most people have to wait months. You can do it in a few days or a minimum of a week by following the two suggestions I have written in the article on my

Getting listed quickly really should not be the goal. Getting listed within a week or so is a good goal, but it is just as important to make sure your site is properly optimized before Google's little robot comes to spider your site.

Visit to learn more. :)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Redding Search Engine Optimization Dec 18

Today is December 18 and Redding SEO is now at position number 15. When Google first grabbed my site's URL it was Number 13, then dropped down a few days later to number 17, and now it's up two notches from there.

So, you can see there's some fluctuation in the beginning, and actually there are always adjustments for search engine placement. What is important to note is that it does take time, but the time is well spent in regards to getting a top 10 placement in Google.

At this point I'm just keeping track and logging my results here. Then a few months from now when I'm listed on page one within the first 3 results you'll be able to see the progression for yourself.

My website is all about search engine optimization. It is exactly what Google, Yahoo and MSN want to see when considering relevance. It is only a matter of time before my site wins that wonderful first few results placement.

You may be wondering what I'm doing off my site in order to gain a better position. Well, due to my busy schedule, and the fact that I'm actually on vacation for a week, I'm not really doing anything right now more than just trying to keep a few news posts here for my readers. On my site I've added some new information as well. This will keep my RSS feed up to date.

Fresh, relevant content, this is what matters.

Until next time,
Chrisi Darrington

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What is Web 2.0 o

What is Web 2.0 o - Finding a Good Web Designer

Web 2.0 o is actually Web 2.0 and not Web 2.o using a zero instead of the letter O. Understanding what this means is the begining of understanding how to find a good web designer.

Finding a good web designer can be a real challenge. If you try searching for one by using any search engine your search will be endless. So, to narrow your search you might try seeking a web designer in your local area.

One of the main benefits of working with someone locally is that you can meet with them in person. This will allow you to get to know them on a more personal level. I have many clients who I've built websites for that live in my area. Sometimes we've discussed how to develop their website over lunch, my favorite way to work.

There are several things you should be looking for in a web designer today. What you look for in some cases may have to do with what you can afford. However, I must warn you, that old saying, "You get what you pay for" is to some extent true.

I say some extent because there are some people who know how to design web sites, but it's more like a hobby, not a business. Perhaps a friend of yours can do your site for free, or very low cost. This is great is you're building a web site for fun or maybe just a site to show off your own hobbies.

Depending on your friends skill, this can be a very bad idea if you're actually wanting to develop a business web site.

The other problem you can run into is feeling rather awkward if you are not happy with the design, but it's your best friend or your friends, friend, and you don't want to hurt their feelings.

If you want to go the distance and actually hire a web designer, you want to look for a designer who understands what Web 2.0 is. Many people, including some web designers, don't actually know what Web 2.0 is. Some think it's some sort of new web design, a new program, or it's a new requirement in the html, php, etc...

Web 2.0 is really all about interaction. Before blogs, the Internet was rather static. Your interaction with any web site was mostly through email. Forums have been around longer than Blogs, but forums are much more difficult to build and maintain than blogs. Blogs can be managed by anyone that can type and follow simple directions.

Web 2.0 offers a way for people to interact through blogs, video, pod casts, social bookmarking, and places like Myspace and Facebook etc.... Simply put, Web 2.0 is an Interactive Internet. There are a variety of ways you can use Web 2.0 to enhance your web site both on and off your site.

Your web designer should know how to help you build your business through a variety of Web 2.0 mediums. You don't need to use every medium, but understanding each of the available types of interactive mediums available and how to use them effectively will increase your the success of your business online.

When it comes to web design, it is a wise decision to know what you need and what you're paying for. What is web 2.0 o? It's Web 2.0 and it's many different types of Interactive Mediums using both on site and off.

Until next time,
Chrisi Darrington

Monday, December 15, 2008


Have you heard of PPC? Which is Pay Per Click. It's when you pay for listings in Google and Yahoo as well as other search engine directories.

Well, I have to tell you that it can be a great way to gain traffic to your website, but it can also cost you a bundle if, a. you don't know what you're doing, b. you pay someone to do it, but you don't understand how it works.

Either way, you musts learn the basics of PPC before you can expect to profit from it. So, I've written an article of sorts. It's really more like a very long comment. I was so upset by what this PPC campaign manager was doing to my friends, friend, that I just had to write it down.

You'll find the article listed in my articles directory under PPC Scams.

I hope you gain some understanding over what PPC is and what it is not so that you don't end up getting scammed like our poor buddy, Joe.

Until next time,
Chrisi Darrington

Saturday, December 13, 2008

SEO TIP Know Your Audience

Search engine optimization begins with knowing your audience.

Understanding your audience may seem like an obvious statement. If you sell pickles, you know your audience enjoys pickles. However, knowing your audience goes deeper than simply knowing that what you sell or what you have to say, is important to them.

Recently I have been asked to analyze two different websites. Both of these websites sells something people love to buy. However, there are several problems that need to be addressed. Exploring how to optimize their site for search engine traffic will help to weed out the problems they need to address.

Let's consider the first site, we'll justs call it Site A. Site A is about a delicious food that people enjoy as a snack. However, the first thing you see when you get to their website is not about their product, but rather a totally different subject, product distribution.

There is nothing wrong with inviting people to join them in distributing their product. What is needed is a separate section of their site, or a separate site altogether, where people can learn about becoming a vendor or distributor.

Poor search engine optimization will drive the wrong audience to your site. It will also leave the search engines clueless as to what your site is about. Knowing good the good bad and ugly parts of this search engine optimization puzzle will help you to avoid poor SEO.

What people are typing into the search engines for site A is something like this:
Cranberry Gum Drops, and although site A sells this product, the main theme of their site seems to be how to become a distributor for their product.

If I was looking to buy the product and was unable to actually find it on the website, I think I'd be a little frustrated. It goes without saying that you don't want to frustrate your customers.

What's the solution? Site A needs to use keywords on their site that target the audience they want coming to visit their site. They are looking for distributors, not thirsty consumers. So the keywords they need to use would target people seeking a distributorship, not people wanting to eat their product.

To be continued...

Friday, December 12, 2008

Good SEO and SEO Scams

Sometimes you just have to say no. I have a potential client wanting me to help them rank well for a very competitive market. After doing my research I realized that it could take a year to accomplish this goal. In fact, there are simply no guarantees in the SEO world. I do not want to make any promises on something that far in advance. Too many variables here.

What I can do for this client is help him see where he is throwing money away. He is paying for someone to do PPC for him and yet this person will not give him any statisitics. He doesn't know what people are clicking on most, he has no idea how his site is converting, nothing. He just feeds this guy money and has to have faith that it's helping his business profits grow.

Sadly, this sort of thing happens quite often. My interest in starting a search engine optimization business came from a friend being scammed from an seo company. He was paying $80.00 a month for 10 keyword phrases. When I did the research I found that 9 of those keyword phrases had less than 10 searches on average a month. One keyword had almost 400 searches from Google.

Selecting keywords that people do not use to locate your business is obviously a waste of time. However, most businesses that hire someone to help them with search engine optimization have no idea what makes a good seo company and what is a bad seo company.

You can read more about search engine optimization by visiting my website.

Until next time,
Chrisi Darrington

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Yahoo Lists Redding SEO

Today is December 11th and is now listed in Yahoo and MSN. My site is now listed in all three of the top search engines. Google is giving it the most attention and Google is the top dog of search engines. It is where you want to gain the most attention.

Yahoo - Listed number 4 for "Redding SEO", 34 for "redding search engine optimization"

MSN - Currently listed. Which means they know my site exists.

As time goes on I'll be posting updates on how my site goes up the results ladder. It takes time to build enough respect in the eyes of the search engines to gain a top listing. This time will vary between sites, the keyword phrases that are being targeted and the techniques used to gain visibility.

That's it for today, I'll be back soon,
Chrisi Darrington

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

SEO Google 6 Days

Last night I visited Google and typed in to see if I was listed. And yes, there I was, all bright, shiny and linked. The next thing I did was type into the search box, "Redding search engine optimization". This is the main keyword phrase that I want my site to be listed under. And yep, my site is also in the results for that keyword term.

So, on day 6, my site is listed as number 13 in the results. Not bad for a brand new site.

Today, December 10th, just 7 days after placing my new website online, I see my site is listed NUMBER ONE in Google for the search term, Redding SEO! I didn't think to look for it yesterday under that search term, but hey, 7 days is pretty awesome.

I'll keep you posted on the other search engines. Right now I must go.

Until next time,
Chrisi Darrington

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Google Loves Me -

An additional search term I'm going to target is Redding search engine optimization services. Currently this search term is located at number 17 in Google. Let's see how long it takes for my site to be listed number one for for Redding search engine optimization services as well.

The main reason why these search terms are so valuable is due to the local traffic I will receive. Most business that offer some type of service to their community do not realize the amount of traffic they are missing because their websites are not optimized properly in the search engines.

Although my services are that of which I can provide all over the US, I am starting out here in my home town. And my goal is to encourage you to also consider building your online presence through proper search engine optimization for your business locally.

Best Wishes and Until Next Time,
Chrisi Darrington

Redding search engine optimization - my first assignment

What the one thing any new business has to do? In my mind it's gain trust. Trust is gained over time and in the case of it will be by proving we can do exactly what I say I can do. I do have a team that is working with me, but the heart of this issue rests on my sholders.

I will admit it's a little scary. But I can do it. Let me tell you about my first assignment. It's a test actually.

My brother-in-law is working with me on this one. He's well known in our area and he's picked out my first challenge. His friend owns 4 different businesses online. Sadly, he's paid a lot of money to have his site gain visibility through search engines that has never panned out.

I have to admit that this is not only disturbing to me, it's very confusing. Sometimes SEO is complex and extremely challenging. There will be times that I will have to say, "No, I cannot put your site on the first page in Google for that keyword search phrase".

It's a sad answer, but it is the truth. Why is it confusing? I guess because if you know anything about search engine optimization, you should know better than to make promises you can't keep. The second reason is because I can already tell that whoever this guy paid to help get his site traffic did not even come close to doing the first thing that MUST be done when helping someone gain more traffic.

What is this most important thing?

It all starts at the foundation of SEO. The website. Before you begin any type of SEO, you must first fix the website. This was not done.

The good news is, I can do it. And this is where I'll be starting. So, let me put my first assignment right here online where everyone can follow it.

The website subject is Beef Stix. The URL is: My job is to get this site on the first page for the keyword search term, beef stix. I'm going to work on getting that site within the first 5 results.

However, the site is very far from being optimized. Google has no clue that this site should be listed within the beef stix catagory. Why? Because it appears to be more about being a distributor and not really about beef stix at all.

So, that's my first chore. To help get that site noticed. Bookmark this blog if you'd like to follow along and see how I do with this first challenge. I'm giving myself 30 days to get this site listed within those first five results using the keyword phrase, beef stix.

Till nextime...
Chrisi Darrington
Redding Search Engine Optimization

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Redding Search Engine Optimization News

Welcome to Redding Search Engine Optimization News

Today is Wed. December 3rd. I've just finished our website, and it is now live. My first goal is to get our site listed in Google. Once it's in Google, Yahoo and MSN will follow shortly.

Getting listed is only the beginning. The keywords people will be using to find our site will vary, but we're going to targe, Redding search engine optimization.

And we're off...

Chrisi Darrington